Penguin Wanderlust is Carolyn Pullman.
I was trained as a Computer Scientist and over the decades have worked in artificial intelligence, expert systems, air traffic control systems, and mapping. I no longer want to work in an office. In the last year I’ve decided to fulfill my dream of being a full-time author.
I’m in my fifties with two grown children that I have enjoyed going on many road trips with. They are both burners and fire spinners as I am myself. When not travelling with them I travel with other burners. If I have to I’ll travel by myself but it’s not my first choice. I like having someone to talk to since my road trips tend to be long.
Travel, Nature, and Art
These three topics are what makes me tick. Here’s an example photograph to show how they define me. 2010 shows me interacting with nature as our horse, Bella, is at the end of the lead line. 2014 is me ready to go to the Alice in Wonderland party by Opulent Temple in Seattle. Opulent Temple is a big sound camp at Burning Man. In 2017 I travelled down to the Californian desert to the Los Angeles regional burn, BEquinox. There were 8 of us from our Burning Man camp there. After the event, I went with my friend, Christine, to see the Big Boulder in Landers.

3 years of Penguin Wanderlust
Beastie – My Little RV
Recently I’ve acquired a small RV to travel with. There has been a large learning curve with it. I’ll pass on my lessons learned.
As well as attending burner events, I also paint and play fiddle. I have been to quite a few bluegrass festivals along the west coast. I am also a Toastmaster and a cold water scuba diver.
Penguins are Important
This web site is run by penguins.
The Penguins:
I could say that I started with one penguin, Penguin, but that would be lying. My husband (then boyfriend) nicknamed me Penguin back when we were in university together. I was always cold and that’s where the name originated. I have a substantial penguin collection gathered over the years.
My sidekick is a Baby Emperor Penguin Finger Puppet from Folkmanis. He features in my “Where’s penguin?” photo series on our Facebook page Penguins’s Wanderlust.
An African Penguin from the Miami Seaquarium, Penny has become Penguin’s best friend.
Rover is a Morkie. His dad was a Yorkshire Terrier, and his mum was a Maltese. Yesterday he turned a year old. He only weighs 4 pounds but he’s full of personality. My 93 year old mother named him after the dog her family had when she was a child. So he’s actually Rover the Second. He hasn’t been on any long road trips yet. He doesn’t approve of his being stuck in his crate seat belted in the back seat of the car. He tends towards being carsick too. We’ll have to see how it goes, and if he takes to camping.
An Introduction to Penguin Wanderlust
I’m taking part in VEDA (Vlog Every Day in April). In the first one I introduce myself, my puppy, 4 books, and Burning Man. Enjoy and sign up for email.
All writing, photographs, and video are my own.