Burner travel is a term that I have coined. Most of my friends and family are burners so I am attuned to the type of travel that is popular with them.
Some burners only go to Burning Man and the rest of the year they just live in the “default world”. The city that I live in has a very active Burning Man community so there are events to attend almost every week. Even if there weren’t it would be easy to just post on Facebook and pull together a group to do something. It is basically like belonging to a social club.
Types of Burner Travel
Burner travel encompasses travel to Burning Man, regional events (which may or may not include a burn), and places of interest to burners.
Burner Travel to Black Rock City, Nevada
Most burners have a long trip to get to Burning Man. Much has been written on this topic. So much in fact that Penguin’s Wanderlust will largely leave that topic to other blogs.
Visiting Other Cities
On the Burning Man web site you can look under the Regional Network to locate groups around the world. Usually they’ll have a Facebook group. If you’ll be in their area you can post and see if someone will meet up with you or if there’s anything happening while you’re there.
Burning Man Regional Burns
Some people that have been to Burning Man many times want to do something different on their vacation. This makes a lot of sense if you only have two or three weeks of vacation per year. Not everyone is keen on a week in the desert as often you need a vacation to recuperate afterwards.
Instead of going to the Big Burn, they decide to go instead to a regional burn in another part of the world. For the map check here: Burning Man Regional Network
Penguin’s Wanderlust Travel Books
My concept is to write a series of books where most are centered around a burn.
Certain destinations are popular with burners such as East Jesus in California. In part this is because the place is run by burners or has close connections to the community.
Don’t forget to check out my post with lots of photos 10 Things Burners Want To Do When They Travel