Impossible. Playa Time takes over as soon as you leave Reno. You no longer have control over how long anything will take. In 2013 the line was stopped all the way back at Pyramid Lake. So we were happy this year that getting to the playa was quick. We had already lost a day due to the RV dying. … [Read more...]
10 Things Burners Want to Do When They Travel
This web site will be about "burner travel". No definition exists for what that means. Here is a short list of some of the things that I think it entails. If you think I've missed one then let me know in the comments. The bus photo above is from the party that exploded on Gate Road when Burning Man … [Read more...]
Countdown to Burning Man 2015
On Facebook some of my burner friends are stating the number of days remaining until Burning Man. The countdown is given on the front page of the Burning Man web site. I used to be like that. Living for the week in the desert. In a way it's kind of a sad way to live. It isn't living in the present. … [Read more...]
Burner Travel
This web site is dedicated to attendees of Burning Man and regional burns around the world. These participants who build Black Rock City in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada are called "burners". If you're not a burner or "one of us" then you might have a distorted view of the event. Partially this … [Read more...]